2021 Goals
Cape Cod, MA
2021 Resolutions + A Year of Healing
Jan. 1, 2021
Happy 2021 everyone!
For this new year, I’m hoping to manifest a year of continued resilience, slower days, and more rest. By default... a year of less makeup (lol), more time spent building a home, and most likely a little more quality time with Sherbert (and he’s STOKED).
I know New Year's Resolutions aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally find them effective as long as you’re realistic with your goals. Ever since I was young, I’ve always been a very goal-oriented person, so creating goals for myself at the beginning of the year has been a great way to keep myself accountable to my personal growth. If you’re looking for ideas on simple goals to set for yourself this year -- keep on reading!
Resolution #1: Schedule in Time for Rest
After an exhausting year like 2020, I am hopeful that 2021 will be a year of healing, hope, and recovery. 2020 was a year of growth, and with growth comes growing pains. Hoping that 2021 will be a year of continued growth, but will also simultaneously be a year with more rest and healing.
I have become self-aware that if I don’t schedule in time for rest or breaks, I end up working right through exhaustion. I would like to do a better job at taking care of my well-being and scheduling in time to rest and recover from the day's efforts. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and creating boundaries is the key to finding a healthy balance.
My goal for 2021 is to make time for rest, in order to have enough energy to be my best self.
Resolution #2: Read 12 Books
I LOVE books, and I love reading. Fiction, non-fiction, history, sci-fi, drama, mystery… I love it all. Believe it or not, I used to read about 50+ books a year… but lately, if I get through even 5-10 books a year, that’s a “good” year. I would love to dive into some amazing reads this year, so I’m creating the goal of reading 12 (1 per month) books.
In addition, I hope to be really intentional with the books that I select, so I’m hopeful to read not only 12 books total, but 12 books that I (hopefully) enjoy.
Let me know if you have any must-reads for 2021!
My goal for 2021 is to read a total of 12 books.
Resolution #3: Reintegrate a Healthy Fitness Plan
The classic goal that almost everyone plans for, and the goal that didn’t sustain itself for very long in my daily routine last year. To be very clear, the goal isn’t to maintain a certain weight goal, nor work on my mile time -- instead, I hope to reintegrate a healthy fitness plan. Whether that’s going for an outdoor walk everyday for 10 minutes, scheduling workout classes (virtual or gyms) 2-3 times a week, going for runs again, etc.
Not quite sure what the plan will be as of today, but I'm hopeful to build a plan that works for me!
My goal for 2021 is to make sure I keep my body active and healthy!
Resolution #4: Finish Furnishing our Home
Yes... it’s been about 4 months since we moved to Boston, and we are still not quite done furnishing nor unpacking. Most of our walls are still very blank, we have outdated furniture in our master bedroom (that's falling apart lol), and our guest bedroom/my office is only half-furnished.
This is the cycle I end up in when it comes to furnishing/unpacking the remaining boxes of decorations:
“I should finish decorating the apartment today!”
“Well... I don’t know how I want to decorate the walls yet, because I don’t have the right furniture that I want.”
“Well... the temporary furniture that we have works for now so why rush into replacing it?”
And I know I don’t need to replace the furniture that we have now, but I really do hope to invest in longer-term furniture that will keep us comfortable for the next few years. We’ve simply just out-grown and/or overused the furniture that we have now (most was handed down to us).
Our first guests will visit in March, so my goal is to have most, if not all, of the apartment completely furnished by then. :)
My goal for 2021 is to finish making our new home feel like home!
Resolution #5: Cook Together Twice a Month
It’s no secret that my husband is the cook in our relationship, but I hope to expand my limited knowledge of recipes this year, as well as pull my weight a little more in the kitchen. ;)
Simultaneously, I hope for Lucas and I to continue to date each other while married, so we’d love to slow down and cook together for fun at least twice a month or more!
Send over your recipes and we’ll recreate them on Snackin with the Swanson’s!
My goal for 2021 is to cook with my husband at least twice a month (remember to date your spouse!).
Annnd that's a wrap!
My 2020 goals didn’t quite reach their full potential last year, but I’m entering 2021 with newfound hope for the reimagined goals listed above. I’ve worked hard the last 6 years hustling and learning as much as I can through college, photography, and full-time work. While I still plan to learn and grow this year, I also plan to prioritize rest and enjoying the little things (like reading new books or trying different recipes with my husband!).
Although not extravagant, I hope these goals are relatable and will inspire you to set some reasonable goals for yourself too! Let’s manifest some positive and healthy energy this year!
If we have similar goals, PLEASE feel free to reach out to me directly or comment below! I’d love to hear about what you hope for yourself in 2021 and maybe we can cheer each other on along the way. No matter what goals you’ve set for yourself, always remember that progress takes time, and anything is possible once you set your mind to it (EVEN if there are unprecedented obstacles)! :)
Cheers to a New Year and a Fresh Start!