Welcome to my Travel + Lifestyle Blog!
A place where I share my adventures + my heart with you all!
Living in Boston: 1 Year Later
A Lifestyle entry capturing the feelings of disbelief, awe, and maybe even a little bit of pride, thinking about the last 365 days living in Boston, MA.
The ULTIMATE New England Bucket List
A Travel Guide capturing our ULTIMATE New England Bucket List - a list of 50 things we want to see and do before our military contract in the Northeast comes to a close.
Our First Military PCS: Lessons We Learned
A Lifestyle entry capturing the lessons we learned during our first military PCS moving experience.
Top 5 Things To Do in Boston, MA
A Travel Guide capturing the Top 5 Things To Do in Boston, Massachusetts + a Lifestyle entry capturing our first impressions of living in our new city.
5 Moving Tips for Your Next PCS
A Lifestyle entry capturing 5 Moving Tips to Quickly Create a Home in a New Apartment + the story of how our moving day went wrong…
Our Cross-Country Road Trip From Seattle to Boston
A Travel Diary capturing our cross-country road trip moving from Seattle, Washington to Boston, Massachusetts - a week-long road trip, driving through 13 U.S. states, from the West Coast to the East Coast (Yellowstone, Minneapolis, Chicago + more!).